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Everything posted by KenJennings

  1. The new one was decent, which is high praise from me. I haven't seen the original. Horror movies are seldom better than "aweful" in my book.
  2. Star Trek: TNG The Simpsons The A-Team Newsradio Married With Children Jeopardy
  3. Rush - Vapor Trails Dream Theater - Images and Words Jake Shimabukuro - Walking Down Rainhill Buckethead - Colma Geddy Lee - My Favorite Headache Unfortunately, I forgot batteries for my CD player.
  4. http://www.deimel.org/images/tp_roll.gifhttp://www.woodzone.com/articles/inch.jpghttp://aquanic.org/images/photos/ingvar/Dab.gifhttp://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/617185/2/istockphoto_617185_cash1.jpg
  5. My favorites: Forrest Gump Fargo Indiana Jones and the Last Crusades Unbreakable The Truman Show The Naked Gun
  6. I wrote a few poems at work this morning, it was a slow day, and I was influenced to write because of a recent dream. DreamGirl We held hands, walking through the dewey copse. It was meant to last... forever. Or never. Did it ever happen? Was our love so true? Did I hold you in my arms? Are you out there? Somewhere? Your life is just a memory. It's the tragic truth. Nobody mourns, nobody misses; but I. Tonight you're in my prayers. -Dan Moritz ---------------------------------- Waiting I don't know you yet Some day soon, i'm sure I will You do not yet exist but when you do, we will touch eachother's lives. Until then, i'm here waiting anxiously, intently waiting. -Dan Moritz ---------------------------------- The Dark Room Ahead Slipped into the darkness. Anxiety is building. This filthy floor, that scent... What little light there is drains to almost none, as I take my squeaky seat. That Aroma... Popcorn? I've been waiting for months to see my favorite actors grace this silver screen. The projector switches on; (Turn your cell phone off) Feature Presentation. -Dan Moritz
  7. I like every song on T4E, it's easily among my five favorite Rush albums.
  8. I for one think Dog Years is a fantastic song, which carries a cheerfull and upbeat sound, I also very much like the message. Seems I'm one of very few who like this song. Oh well...
  9. Geddy's vocal "how wow wow" in Force Ten at about 4:14 always sounds good. Bravado has awesome drum bits at too many points to count; espectially betwee around 2:12 and 2:35. Chain Lightning has some of my favorite Bass work ever especially in the riffs between 2:26 and 2:45. Geddy's creepy Double Agent vocals have always been a favorite sound as well. Lerxst's guitar riff in YYZ around about 2:23 always had a cool almost...Egyptian sound to it, which I love. ...and then there's the piano in Resist...
  10. QUOTE (dimensionidol @ Dec 29 2005, 12:10 PM) http://www.2112.net/powerwindows/references/PortnoyRushKit1.jpg what an unbelievable clown!!! practice the drum...instead loosing time cloning drum kits.... Portnoy has already proved he's one of the best. Seems to me, he's a bit like someone else with a complex drumkit. Someone he's a student of.
  11. One minor typo; not too bad.
  12. Phillips UV Orange Vodka. More than a third of my liter bottle! I just had a friend of mine drop off my truck at my house, God know's I'm not suited to ddrive at the moment
  13. http://home.comcast.net/~mike.moritz/s10-2.JPG This is Gus. Gus is my pride and joy. Gus is my best friend. This picture was taken last fall, since Gus has been diagnosed with a terminal motor, it has since been swapped. Gus has not been the same since. But I will stand by Gus.
  14. SPOILER Glad to see Steph didn't win, Rafe as always was a CLASS ACT! I was pulling for him, but he did the right thing and suffered for it. Guys like Rafe deserve some credit. Genuinely good guy!
  15. The Colbert Report The Simpsons Star Trek (all but Enterprise) Family Guy American Dad Survivor Married With Children Unhappily Ever After All in the Family Aqua Teen Hunger Force Futurama Harvey Birdman Mythbusters The O'Reilly Factor Your World: w/Neil Cavuto Seven Days Newsradio Frasier
  16. This is my Beagle; Bumper: http://home.comcast.net/~mike.moritz/bumper.JPG
  17. Ode to higher thought. A beautiful rainbow, a path we follow Souls either full or sometimes hollow. A collage of peices drifting in minds, pulling together in rhythms and rhymes. Knowledge and Beauty tied in infinite space. Music and theater their intricate lace. Don't laugh.
  18. QUOTE (rushgoober @ Dec 9 2005, 01:37 AM) QUOTE (KenJennings @ Dec 8 2005, 06:02 PM) Glad to see they voted the right person off tonight. Cindy was selfish, simply selfish; and she got what she had coming. it wasn't so much that she chose the car for herself, but to just keep talking about it in front of everyone and how great it was just killed her in the end. it's gonna be interesting to see how it shapes up next week! Just a reminder, the final episode is on Sunday night.
  19. Glad to see they voted the right person off tonight. Cindy was selfish, simply selfish; and she got what she had coming.
  20. I don't get it either. DT are students of Rush, and are FANTASTIC songwriters/musicians. I'm much wiser now A lifetime of memories Run though my head They taught me how For better or worse Alive or dead I realize There's no turning back Life goes on The offbeaten track
  21. 4 of my favorites. Tough to tell. Goin' with HYF.
  22. Counterparts was lyrically iffy, but musically excellent! Definately one of my favs.
  23. Tough choice, but balance prevailed. Hemispheres.
  24. Vapor Trails was a masterpiece
  25. Toss up between La Villa and Limbo, both very awesome. Had to go with La Villa.
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