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Everything posted by KenJennings

  1. Tumultuous Trapped in darkness running toward the light. Terrors and Demons fueling my fright. Ever closer this futile pursuit. Against the odds; remaining resolute. Getting brighter but can't shake the pain. 'cause this light i've run into is the front of a train.
  2. http://home.comcast.net/~mike.moritz/VisionarySmall.jpg A slightly photoshopped photo I took. 5 points to whomever guesses (specifically) what it is.
  3. The closest i've ever came were "Cellular" and "Alien Vs. Predator". PUKE CITY.
  4. The first step into a tertiary decade. 20 years come and gone leave me here all along. Have they been wasted, or been well used? So many options, That I've had to choose. Feeling lost in a desert of illusions; looking for companions but forced to seclusion. Driven to keep marching, I continue to insist, ...that if for nothing else, then only to exist. Still searching for the clues that I could never see; Hoping to God that clarity comes to me. This might all sound trite but this rhythm and rhyme shaers my emotions from 20 years in time.
  5. QUOTE (GhostGirl @ Jun 17 2006, 10:05 AM) I picked "other." I always wanted to be Laura Ingalls when I was a little girl, after reading the Little House on the Prairie books. So I'd say Charles Ingalls, played by Michael Landon. Actually not a bad choice!
  6. Other - Homer Simpson.
  7. QUOTE (Signals1982 @ Jun 15 2006, 06:02 PM) "I was saying Boo-urns." I love that one!
  8. Ralph: "Hi Lisa! We're going to be in a pie!" Homer: "I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T!" Homer: Twenty dollars! I wanted a peanut! ([thinking] Twenty dollars can buy many peanuts!) Explain how! ([thinking] Money can be exchanged for goods and services!) Woo-hoo!
  9. ^^^ "NinjaRider" doesn't refer to riding a motorcycle.
  10. QUOTE (Sabs89 @ Jun 13 2006, 12:36 PM) Leave That Thing Alone -Rush Stream of Consciousness - DT Nottingham Lace - Buckethead For the Love of God - Steve Vai Crush of Love -Joe Satriani Cliffs of Dover -Eric Johnson La Villa Strangiato - Rush Oh, wow. In terms of musical tastes, me and you must be separated at birth. I LOVE every one of those songs.
  11. List your favorite Prog/Rock instrumentals. Mine are: (In no particular order) John Petrucci - Glasgow Kiss Jake Shimabukuro - Walking Down Rainhill Steve Vai - Feathers Buckethead - Binge and Grab Rush - La Villa Strangiatto Jason Becker - End of the Beginning Dream Theater - Dance of Eternity
  12. It's not easy being green. Kermit.
  13. Under a Glass Moon is my favorite song. It's like an obscene amalgamation of talent compacted into a song.
  14. QUOTE (tick @ Nov 19 2005, 08:12 AM) rush and the mets whats better! Dream Theater and the Twins.
  15. I never understood why they call Fargo "Fargo". I mean, 99% of the movie takes place between Minneapolis, MN and Brainerd, MN... I always kinda resented Fargo's representation of Minnesota; it's pretty damned far off... but hey, my little home town of White Bear Lake, MN is mentioned in the film... though is was mentionioned as the hometown of a whore; when in reality, my quaint little town has probably never even had a whore pass through it. [/rant] I voted Fargo anyways, mostly because William H Macy was in it.
  16. QUOTE (YYXanadu @ May 15 2006, 08:02 PM) Okay. Quick question. In the beginning of The Glass Prison, from SDoIT, is there a strange "rain" sound? It almost sounds like rain, but it just sounds terrible. I'm just asking to see if my CD is messed up. It is the static sound of a record player playing with the needle knocked off to the side of the record. Wake up Nicholas.
  17. Danielle = total *****. Terry deserved it, he got hosed.
  18. Curious: Aside from Dog Years and Neurotica, does Rush ever curse in thier songs anywhere else?
  19. Of those three... gotta go with Tom Hanks. Forrest Gump was simply an amazing performance.
  20. OK... Who voted Max Von Sydow? I voted Robert Duvall.
  21. Hold Your Fire. Weightlifing to Force Ten has a strange appeal to it, for me.
  22. The best live song I ever heard was "Take the Time". ...and as I often note; I haven't seen Rush yet. POST M!
  23. Think what you may, but from my seat; Tarantino IS a hack. He substitutes any kind of meaningful directing with overly-flashy, confusing, almost masturbatorily-unnecessary use of violence. He throws over a catchy tune, and boom *VISIONARY*... Then his stories, which exist in non-contiguous bursts between meaningless violence scenes, will run you in circles and lead you nowhere fast. After two hours of a Tarantino movie you're about 8 dollar shy of when you went in, you may have a bad taste in your mouth (I always have), you'll realize the movie made no progress, and you've lost two hours of your life. He's done NOTHING that ever impressed me. Just my two cents. When it comes to directing, there are only two big names left: Spielburg and Shyamalan.
  24. Tarantino's a HACK, Hendrix was a HACK. Good duo.
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