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Everything posted by 1-0-0-1-0-0-1

  1. You're tougher than Springsteen! Get well fast and we'll see you soon!
  2. Happy birthday, Lorraine
  3. They all sound like the same song.
  4. This made me sad today. Posts moved.
  5. I agree, and I did make that point in subsequent posts in this thread.
  6. Thanks for re-linking the photos, great to be able to see them again.
  7. I almost listed a few examples but thought better of it. Though to be fair, even the Bon Jovi songs that have never once been played on the radio can be classified as overplayed.
  8. That describes some of these songs IMO, as opposed to bad OR good songs that are overplayed. I think some people are straying from the topic.
  9. Perhaps we could just say 20 thru 104 are the complete works of Bon Jovi and be done with it.
  10. I'm usually not judgy about age gap relationships, but what the hell, girl? You ever see the Pats play? You know he's going to cheat!
  11. 19) Living on a Prayer - Bon F***ing Jovi What is it with New Jersey bands and their blue collar struggles?
  12. A New Jersey dude who was writing a song verse about baseball but made a Freudian slip about that glorious day's drug indulgence?
  13. That or #13 Glory Days - Bruce Springsteen
  14. Number 8 is an inspired choice.
  15. So was David Lee Roth. Which raises the question: Would we have had hair metal if Van Halen hadn't turned the rock scene on it's head in the late '70s, with Eddie doing likewise with the guitar scene?
  16. He also said, "Not one band EVER called themselves Hairmetal." Well, when a new genre of music comes along, who names it? I'm guessing not the bands themselves. And once a name comes along and it sticks, how long before the bands identify with it? Unfortunately for those bands Glam Metal didn't stick, but Hair Metal did -- and let's face it, it stuck for a reason -- and I don't blame any of those musicians for not proudly waving that banner. That name is as light and fluffy as the "metal" music they played -- and the hairdos they sported.
  17. They have a little bit of a point, but they're clearly bitter that the music scene that they were a big part of back in the day is now the butt of jokes. Riki Rachtmann -- a hair metal name to be sure -- said something very telling there: "Sometimes I feel like we are the only 2 that feel this way." Well, it's you guys, the members of those bands, and the teenage girls who went to those concerts and wore the same flammable hairdos and spandex and black lace as the guys in those bands -- and who now drive their minivans to soccer practice. Some popular musical trends turn into enduring genres, like Rock and Roll and Hip Hop, while some like Doo Wop, Nu Metal and Grunge have an impact but burn out after a few years. Whether enduring or fleeting, they all get a name, and Hair Metal is pretty much right on the money as far as describing the look and the sound of that genre. Somewhere, Kurt Cobain is saying, "You're welcome."
  18. Sutherland had one scene in JFK, but it might be the best scene in the movie. RIP.
  19. That falls into the same category as what Cher did, I think. He would do pitch bending effects as opposed to trying to fix poorly bent notes. Tom Morelllo made a career out of that effect.
  20. Autotune was a new thing when Cher used it, and she was going for the weird sound effect that autotune produced on its more extreme settings. Black Eyed Peas did it to death years later. More for the effect than to fix bad singing.
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