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Everything posted by saltomortale

  1. Well, if he IS cut off then we'll know he's right. But yeah B-Man was definitely a backstabbing fool. Forgive my ignorance, but who is B-Man and what's this about GUP demos leaking? I was just about to ask that! Could someone shed light on these two questions?
  2. I agree. I think he'd be just happy for them to disappear forever just so that he can say he was right. I also agree. It would be cool if fans can stop reading between the tea leaves and make up stories as to why they are hiding their true intentions. Ged said he has gig ideas that don't involve a full tour. Neil said he doesn't want to be the sole reason Rush ends. Alex explicitly said they are not done as a band, recently towards the end of the tour at the Denver show and it barely got mentioned on TRF. Alex has direct access to Neil. In fact, he worked with him over 40 years. Safe to say he knows his co worker. Until they change their tune, and tell us it's over, there is no reason to speculate. Very good points. So the message is that "anything can happen".
  3. They look somehow like candid graduation photos--a "We made it!" sort of feel to them. I'm winding down after all this with Hope and Rivendell. Might as well.
  4. I know there's been threads on how Rush and their music have been there for a lot of people going through tough stuff. I'm one of those people, and to see them leave doesn't mean the music is gone, but it is hard to handle.
  5. I wouldn't trade the experience to see them live once for a lot of other bands' shows. It's sad but still, we hold on.
  6. At least we got the polka outro. Thanks to Bill and all the other 'scopers. It was glorious. If this is A Farewell to Kings, it was a beautiful farewell.
  7. So grateful that this was possible. Thanks, all 'scopers.
  8. Attention all planets of the Solar Federation. Attention all planets of the Solar Federation. Attention all planets of the Solar Federation. We have assumed control. We have assumed control. We have assumed control.
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