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The Analog Grownup

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Posts posted by The Analog Grownup

  1. "If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere

    insidious committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate

    them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good

    and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing

    to destroy a piece of his own heart?"


    - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956

  2. Finding out that there are people who believe it's perfectly fine to gouge people in times of distress and death.


    You probably knew that already but were reminded of it because of a recent event. The aftermath of a natural disaster maybe?


    I knew there are people that are willing to take advantage of others misfortunes, but I never thought it would be people who weren't already criminals or otherwise immoral. Yes, the hurricane and flooding in the Houston area.


    I see.

    It probably means that I'm more pessimistic than you in that I think everyday people are capable of scumbaggery and immoral acts.


    Those people you're referring to should be ashamed but of course, they won't be.


    When you realize that evil is a part of human nature, you realize it's a part of you too.


    I'm Lucifer's grandpa. :blaze:


    Really though, I don't think I've ever been conceited enough to think I was above not committing a wrong. Even little little kids screw each other over through cheating at games they play, lying, stealing, bullying, whatever. When I saw those things as a little kid I didn't think, "Evil is a part of me too" or anything even remotely similar. I just recognized that someone was doing something that was wrong. And those other little kids were often just the average, run-of-the-mill kids. They weren't these evil little monsters with depressing family histories.


    Everyday people do bad things. For material gain. Status. Whatever.


    I'm not sure where the line is between "typical, bad acts" and "evil acts". And I'm not too sure that that's even as important as simply recognizing something is wrong or not fair.


    I'm not sure there is a definitive line between good and evil. An example is killing someone to save another's live.

  3. I Can't say specifically, but it's been making me sad for a while. :(

    I gave you a "like" because for a while now I have had an undefinable and strange "feeling" in the pit of my stomach brought on by who knows what. I'm not sure what it's about, but it leaves me with an uncharacteristic inner restlessness and discontent.


    Do you keep a journal? I find it sometimes helps when I try to put down words on how I feel, even when I don't know. It's like thinking aloud.

    I'm smiling because I began keeping one when I was 13. I used to carry it around in my handbag in the seventies and eighties. Often when I was out at a club or bar, I would pass it around to my friends to write in it. By the time I was 35, I had amassed at least twenty notebooks full of memories. One day I started to read through them. A friend of mine called while I was doing so and I told her what I was doing and that I had begun to read entries of things that happened that were better left not recalled.


    She asked me what would happen if I died suddenly - would I want those journals to be read by anyone else? I thought long and hard about that. About a week later, I picked up the first journal and started ripping. It took me a long time, but I finally shredded (as best as I could in the days before shredders) all twenty journals. My hands were hurting when I was done.


    They served me no purpose and, frankly, I think they are a waste of time.


    I think that once you've written it down, it has served its purpose. I like to think of it as putting the past to rest, so you don't carry it onto the future. I keep a journal that I very seldom write in - there's too little going on in my life to be writing everyday ;). I don't like to read from it, because it reminds me of my weakness but I guess in a couple of years I can look back, and realize how far I've moved. But I can understand why you would get rid of yours.

  4. I Can't say specifically, but it's been making me sad for a while. :(

    I gave you a "like" because for a while now I have had an undefinable and strange "feeling" in the pit of my stomach brought on by who knows what. I'm not sure what it's about, but it leaves me with an uncharacteristic inner restlessness and discontent.


    Do you keep a journal? I find it sometimes helps when I try to put down words on how I feel, even when I don't know. It's like thinking aloud.

    • Like 3
  5. Finding out that there are people who believe it's perfectly fine to gouge people in times of distress and death.


    You probably knew that already but were reminded of it because of a recent event. The aftermath of a natural disaster maybe?


    I knew there are people that are willing to take advantage of others misfortunes, but I never thought it would be people who weren't already criminals or otherwise immoral. Yes, the hurricane and flooding in the Houston area.


    I see.

    It probably means that I'm more pessimistic than you in that I think everyday people are capable of scumbaggery and immoral acts.


    Those people you're referring to should be ashamed but of course, they won't be.


    When you realize that evil is a part of human nature, you realize it's a part of you too.

    • Like 2
  6. On my commute to work this morning a young woman died. I didn't see it but the bus I was in drove by 15 minutes later. It was a large truck and a cyclist in a right turn accident. The paramedics had put up shields on both sides of the truck, so I instinctively knew it was bad. I've been thinking about it the whole day :(
  7. In Denmark you take a certain percentage of your monthly salary and put that aside for vacation. Whatever the amount is determines the length of your vacation, but for a full time job I think you get about a months leave.


    Sick days are different. You get sick leave from the wellfare office. If you can prove that you're sick (note from the doctor) the company is not allowed to fire you for 180 days.


    A lot of this is just from what I can remember on top of my head. I never had to use it like that. It's the Flexicurity Model.

  8. 2112 - Discovery. Ugh.



    bite your tongue


    See how it sings like a sad heart

    and joyously screams out its pain.

    Sounds that build high like a mountain.

    Or notes that fall gently like rain.


    I love those lyrics.


    And the way these lyrics are delivered.

    • Like 2
  9. So, today I began my 3 months internship as a web developer. I will work with Umbraco and .NET programming and after the 3 months, I'm going to write my bachelor thesis, and then I'm done and ready to conquer the world.


    I might not have time to be here as much, and maybe you don't even care - I feel a little silly writing this - but I wanted to let you know. I had a little hiatus and recently came back. But it's going to be hard not checking in all the time, but I need to focus on working and make my bachelor thesis the best I can.



    • Like 18
  10. Naked Gun




    I saw this when it first came out. I laughed and laughed, as did everyone else in the theater. Very fun movie to see with a couple hundred others.

    Earlier in the evening, I'd seen Eraserhead at a rep cinema with a friend, and we happened to walk by where Naked Gun was playing and thought "what the hell?"

    It was a strange but perfect "double-bill".





    I grew up with these kind of movies. Airplane was a favorite too, and the more I watch them the funnier they get because I always seem to discover something new in the background.

    • Like 1
  11. Dunkirk


    Best Nolan film yet for me. And one of the most intense movies i've sat through in a while. it was actually draining, lol


    but.....you must see it on the big screen. it WILL loose a lot on the small screen.




    I'm going to buy it on dvd eventually and watch it on my 15" laptop. I like smaller screens to watch movies or TV on. I find it cozy and intimate :)

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