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About kentpilot

  • Birthday 05/23/1995

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  • Location
    Pueblo Colorado
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Music Fandom

  • Number of Rush Concerts Attended
  • Last Rush Concert Attended
    Grand Rapids Michigan 2013
  • Favorite Rush Song
    Middletown Dreams
  • Favorite Rush Album
    Power Windows
  • Other Favorite Bands
    Porcupine Tree, Hail The Sun, Steven Wilson, Coheed and Cambria, Iron Maiden
  • Musical Instruments You Play
    Bass, Keys, Vocals
  1. Lol tons of hardcore fans sit in the bowl for the fact that they are better seats than the floor past a certain row. I sit or stand during the show but I rarely move around during songs, I'm there to watch and study these guys play TBH.
  2. So in Denver, Geddy used Shoreline Gold 1966 Fender Jazz for Hemispheres. I'm 90% sure of this. I remember the Fiesta in Tulsa and it was definitely not that in Denver. I'm pretty sure it's 66 Shoreline but I just remembered it was different when reading this thread.
  3. Just to clarify. Steven would only be good at remixing/mastering the audio. He's no video wizard like he is an audio master.
  4. Moon Records was started in 1973 to put out the first album. It got them on Cleveland radio, before Mercury picked them up. Anthem was started in 1977 by Ray Daniels for Rush. http://www.anthementertainmentgroup.com/ Anyway, I agree with you. I'd love to see every tour hit DVD in some official capacity. I need an official Presto, Roll The Bones, Full PoW, Full GUP.
  5. What about Permanent Waves it was released January 1st, 1980 If you say Natural Science is your 2nd least favorite after Tom Sawyer then I know you're just taking the piss. ;) Natural Science is amazing!!! Camera Eye is probably my favorite off of Moving Pictures I love attention too, but try to get it some other way, man... I knew this would be the response I got :( but it's my actual feelings on the subject. If I could only play one song from Rush 80-89 ever again, the last song I would ever play would be Tom Sawyer. Okay what makes Tom Sawyer so amazing? I don't get it, it's a great song but it's definitely the worst song on Moving Pictures, if not of the whole 80's. "What makes Tom Sawyer so amazing"? Pick an aspect. Staying away from the obvious "guitars, drums, bass" answer, lyrically it's one of their most forceful. The aggressiveness of the lyrics perfectly match the aggressiveness of the music. Vocally, Geddy really goes through it all: part of 70's Geddy is still there but at the same time you can see that he's trying to be more melodic with those vocals. For all the praise I give it, it's still not even my favorite (or 2nd favorite) off Moving Pictures. But no way would it come close to the bottom. If you think it's the worst, to each his own. I'm not trying to convince you. Just answering your question. All good points, I guess my arguments to disagree would be this: It's one of Neil's most complicated songs with a really entertaining drum part. The guitar and bass parts on the other hand are one of the simplest Rush have ever written. I'm not arguing that complicated = good. I'm saying the verses are boring, musically. The synth is really weird, I like the background bass pedals but that aggressive lead is cool but also a little cheesy sounding compared to Ged's other stuff. The bass line on this song is SOOOO BORING compared to any of their other singles from this time. The guitar solo though really neat and different just lacks the emotion and journey that Alex can usually make. The lyrics weren't even written by Neil(like Force Ten and Test For Echo which I think are both better than this song). Just edited by him. It just feels off to me, It wasn't the first Rush song I heard so maybe that's why. I think it sounds the least impressive, captivating or what ever. Still a really fun song, just not compared to the other stuff they were putting out IMO. I like that a really weird song became their biggest hit, that's so Rush. At least Tai Shan has a really interesting Bass line, Geddy only gets like 30 seconds to shine on Tom Sawyer. I'm a bass player so maybe that has something to do with it?
  6. What about Permanent Waves it was released January 1st, 1980
  7. I can see that, but more than 50% of the time Rush have been kind of known to close with the slower song? In The End Countdown, Between the Wheels, Mystic Rhythms, Avalilable Light, Everyday Glory, Carve Away the Stone, We Hold On, The Garden It's a theme.
  8. High Water is so good though!!! Can't believe people think it's really that bad.
  9. I love attention too, but try to get it some other way, man... I knew this would be the response I got :( but it's my actual feelings on the subject. If I could only play one song from Rush 80-89 ever again, the last song I would ever play would be Tom Sawyer. Okay what makes Tom Sawyer so amazing? I don't get it, it's a great song but it's definitely the worst song on Moving Pictures, if not of the whole 80's.
  10. I personally hope they extend it to other countries. I feel really bad for those who didn't get to see it overseas. I was sad to only see two shows this tour. Then I remind myself how they must feel. I can wait for the DVD if that's what they want to do. But If we can get another tour I really need one that focuses on Hold Your Fire, Presto and Test For Echo a little bit more before the call it quits.
  11. Loln at Bard right now.
  12. I'm not trying to be edgy or anything and I love this song live. But the last song I put on to listen to alone is Tom Sawyer. I only listen to Tom Sawyer live or through full album listens. It's easily their worst song of the 80's it's just crap compared to anything off Power Windows. Presto also blows it out of the water, every song on there. Tom Sawyer is Rush's worst song of the 80's hands down. But I love synth Rush.
  13. Anybody that knows the future, or whether or not there is one for the band is full of shit. Bard is talking out his ass and others that cling to every little tiny word of Geddy or Alex are doing the same Ah, if only you knew what is known. An interesting perspective is why any fan would advocate for retirement. Think about it. It's not too hard. ;) Tons of people have advocated retirement for the band. For the past ten years on here everyone has been saying after each tour "Time for them to hang it up, the next tour is probably the last" This year doesn't feel that much different to last year. People we're saying they were for sure done after the 2013 leg. I was saying no way, you're an idiot, to those people. Now I'm saying you may be right to you. But that doesn't make you less arrogant or annoying thinking you know something we don't. I'm going to try and be as amazing as you and reach into the minds and harness the feelings of Alex, Geddy and Neil. What I mean by that is I bet if they saw you speaking for them like this they probably would think you're an arrogant jackass. Especially if you knew them personally, that would make it so much worse. But actually my bet is worthless because I have no clue how they would handle it, just like you.
  14. I would absolutely love this!!!! comic sans for dramatic effect.
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