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That One Guy

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Everything posted by That One Guy

  1. I have seen fraroc in the virtual flesh. I am his #1 fan, please!
  2. facing your own self (even a reflection thereof) is daunting deep deep stuff Ricky, you wouldn't understand
  3. There are two kinds of people: Those that frequently back up their data, and those who have never had a hard drive fail. I am of the latter. *knocks on desk wood.
  4. I want an SSD equipped laptop next year when I finally upgrade. Fancy. That new $50 Amazon tablet sounds like a cheap way to try em out, too.
  5. And CD's. And a super coupon for something. And a printout for an SSD on Amazon (not logged in).
  6. Maybe Bubbagram #3 will have a "maybe I'm not done forever" feel. Or not.
  7. That's what TOCT is for. TRFC... other topics.
  8. I finally got around to posting in this thread. I'll read the replies above my own later.
  9. New episode had the extremely relatable example of being guilted into giving to charity every cock sucking time you check out at your local grocer. Pretty funny how they went about it. PC Principal is still around, and some fun was poked at the apparent pussification of many internet-goers (the Cartman twitter thing). Past few seasons of this show have been great.
  10. With no more Friday classes, and no work tomorrow, I might join ya this time. Only got the last of the Canuck Whiskey unless I go grab a supplemental beer.
  11. What do you think of Dr. Lt. Mr. The Reverend His Holiness Neil Peart, B.S.,M.S.,Ph.D?
  12. I hear you ArcMap doesn't even scratch my top ten favorite geospatial processing programs list
  13. ArcMap is the software equivalent of a doctor's office. Too white and sterile, and ready to get complicated.
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