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That One Guy

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Everything posted by That One Guy

  1. Cancer is a bit less physically evil than it used to be, but it's still financially evil as hell
  2. Like when you've had neuropathy spasms for five months Although it has been getting a bit better
  3. I guess you could say I'm an atheist that is not above praying when he's desperate
  4. it's not my fault the blacks want to ruin their lives with Chrysler 300's and Dodge Chargers instead of building stability with Tacomas and Rav4's.
  5. al fresco: very white phrase especially when it's a noun to refer to the patio dining area
  6. Seriously they built a pitched roof over the existing flat roof in 2005.
  7. Homesteading here on my 0.12 acre just like the pilgrims did
  8. Acreage might be the whitest noun I’ve ever heard
  9. 72 month is so 2018. 84 month is all the rage now. Gotta do what you gotta do for the basics, like King Ranch crew cab F150s. Bought the Miata on a 60-month loan, paid it off in 28. 4Runner is 60-month, anticipate paying off at 24 to 30. and then no more car loans. Ideally forever.
  10. Hard to call inflation a problem among the middle class when truck sales keep increasing That’s like complaining about finances while you’re popping a hundred dollar bottle of wine on a Tuesday
  11. High speed rail? No thanks, I’d like to drive my $40k car that I insure and pay gas on, and remain at attention in a stressful situation so I don’t wreck it or get injured. I would like to do this for several hours and get passed by the train. It is the American way.
  12. Shinkansen to the north of Japan now there’s an idea
  13. Fishing, that thing I did infrequently for three years total fish caught:....3?
  14. Live vicariously through hot takes you typed a couple hours ago
  15. Given how great the new Land Cruiser is, I didn't expect Toyota to go and halfway ruin the brand new 4Runner sad
  16. Pedestrian deaths have doubled in the US since 2010, while they have decreased in the civilized world. Why is that? Are foreign peds just smarter than US peds? Or is there a less retarded reason?
  17. Negatory. People factor it in, because it's the first think car-centric people ask about whenever we're improving areas. The fact is, unless you're literally a big box store, business holds flat or improves when you swap excess parking for multimodal capability. "Difficult" parking tends to result in transportation mode shifts. If you know that a pub is hard to park at, you'll often get your group to take one car rather than 4. We literally do this on SLC meetups. More and more places are treading the blessed path, i.e. abolishing parking minimums; letting the business decide how much parking it thinks is appropriate, not some arbitrary table from the 1960's. For every time it works poorly, it works terrifically in several other areas. Some roads and some parking are of course necessary. But too much is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hell, I'm hosting a meeting with a traffic engineer today asking him if the huge dual-left-turn lane intersection he's recommending is a self-fulfilling prophecy that will only warrant itself once actually installed and inviting more traffic than otherwise.
  18. Save the drive by posting for SOCN. If what you believe can be backed up by words, use your words.
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