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Everything posted by Babycat

  1. Sounds weird, but it drives me nuts too. Ive watched School Of Rock, and I'm yelling at Jack Black, as well as that Cheez-Its character in Family Guy, I'm like "arrrrgh!" And "it's 'Peart', you f*ckin' moron!" :rage:
  2. 4th - :hug2: 5th - :hug2: 6th - :hug2: 7th - :hug2: 8th - :hug2: Today - :hug2:
  3. So happy to hear from you! :heart: :hug2:
  4. Babycat

    jawk jaw !

    Jawk Jaw since 2005! :hi:
  5. Orgazmo "Smile and say Geddy Lee!" "Who's Geddy Lee?" "Only the greatest bass player in the world!" :D
  6. New year Same me Triple-strength catnip Dude... :smoke:
  7. Just three weeks before her 100th... ...rest in peace :rose:
  8. Previous - 25th: :hug2: 27th - :hug2: 28th - :hug2: Today - :hug2:
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