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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/24 in all areas

  1. I really miss Marko. It's a huge loss for me.
    2 points
  2. You gotta pick up the album before you buy it, right? Did Rush make your favorite album covers?? We are talking about both front and back, logos, colors, pictures, art, quotes....the whole package Key word yet again - favorite, not necessarily *the best* Which are your favorites?? Do Rush have any all-timers in terms of album covers??
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. it's not a bad album i just felt nothing when it was over. now i've played it again this morning and as of now i'd go 6/10 BTW those singles didn't improve at all. what really gets me is how dead the mix is. on headphones....at a high volume it's TOO loud and cluttered. played lower nothing has any punch. Mick
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. It was quite funny actually but daft and bland at the same time.
    1 point
  7. Kingsley is my mother's favorite actor, but I'm guessing she's never seen this one.
    1 point
  8. Aw man. It was a great lineup. I hope next time goes better!
    1 point
  9. Top 10 for me, which could mean they're in my top 5. Haven't thought to rank my favorite bands' album covers, but that'd be an interesting thing to try and rank.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 2000 - American Psycho
    1 point
  13. Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
    1 point
  14. Past tense. They did. FBN and P/G are 2 of my favorites from any band.
    1 point
  15. I'd say they're usually pretty interesting. Not the first bunch so much, but AFTK was, and PeW and MP. Signals was a bit "on the nose," but GUP and PW are among my favorites (PW just seems so enigmatic). After that, they fade a bit. HYF was terrible. Presto was okay, RTB was okay, Counterparts was meh, although the collage of sets of things was cool. The cover of T4E was better than the music. Vapor Trails was okay; Feedback seemed derivative, and SaA was ugly. CA looked half-done, honestly. Pink Floyd did good album covers. For me, though, Derek Riggs's run with Iron Maiden is the pinnacle.
    1 point
  16. He rise up and live again...just like Michael...
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Frost* the 2 new songs are really great. Might be their best ever.
    1 point
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