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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/24 in all areas

  1. Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn Pink Floyd - A Saucerful of Secrets Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast The Well - Samsara The Who - The Who By Numbers Deep Purple - Deep Purple in Rock Opeth - Ghost Reveries Deep Purple - =1
    4 points
  2. To be honest no on both counts. It was a decent rock album but no more. However, when Sad Wings Of Destiny was released, I knew they were something special, and I was hooked.
    2 points
  3. in my recent metallica revisit i found i loved reload more than i remember. and 72 seasons grew on me big time. it is too long but there are straight bangers on it. and the Black alum on this revisit has become one of my fav albums of the 90's. Don't know what i was thinking but it deserves all the praise it gets. HOWEVER my fav remains from the Thrash era, Master of Puppets. Masterpiece. Mick
    2 points
  4. that was my point or part of it. we need to be more sympathetic that a lot of liking music iss perspective too. like i didn't come to mastodon till late and i think Remission and Leviathan stink (sorry Segue I think so, lol) i didn't come up in the scene it came from. Good chance if i did i may be marching around with Leviathan on my shoulders.....but i didn't and i don't, lol Mick
    2 points
  5. In my case it had a birth. I probably don’t go listen to Clarity and Bleed American and Futures without you prodding me to look at what inspired Paramore and Panic and FOB.
    2 points
  6. i think Music fans just have a hard time wirh shifting styles in general. Especially where fav bands and genres are concerned. I'm not calling people out i've been upset when a band or genre settles in a direction i can't follow. some music fans might say i'll follow wherever but i don't buy that, lol. if you don't like a style it's gonna bug you on some level. Like me and swift......i call myself a fan and can't lie the sound she's settled on kinda ticks me off cause i want to rave about her.....but this ain't it for me sister Mick
    2 points
  7. Sunny Day Real Estate - Diary Panic! At The Disco - A Fever Your Can’t Sweat Out I’ll get to it segue, but I can’t do anything new today.
    2 points
  8. Worked from home again today so back to whatever vinyl came out of the moving box. First out: Led Zeppelin - Presence A Zeppelin boot recorded at Kezar stadium in San Francisco on 6/2/73. I may not be big into Zeppelin now but I went though a stage in my early 20's when I was into them and collected a bunch of their stuff. The set list consists of: Rock & Roll Celebration Day Black Dog Over The Hills & Far Away The Song Remains The Same The Rain Song Misty Mountain Hop Stairway to Heaven Communication Breakdown The Ocean Heartbreaker Whole Lotta Love Good album. Next out of the box: Judas Priest - Metal Gods A boot of their show in Memphis, Tennessee in 1982. Its not the entire show - that I got latter on DVD. But its still excellent. The songs on the album consist of: The Hellion / Electric Eye Riding the Wind Heading Out To The Highyway Metal Gods Bloodstone Breaking The Law Diamonds & Rust Screaming 4 Vengeance You've Got Another Thing Coming The Sinner Next out of the box: Live Cream Volume II This was released in 1972. I listened to Volume I a while back and I remembered I had this and that it was much better. My memory was correct. Its excellent. Way better than Volume I. Don't believe it was recorded all at 1 show however. The set list consists of: Deserted Cities of the Hear White Room Politician Tales of Brave Ulysses Sunshine of Your Love Hideaway Last out ofmthe box for the day: Warlock - Triumph & Agony Tremendous album cover art (both on the front cover and the back cover). Plus it has the amazing "All We Are". The rest of the songs on the album do nothing for me though. But the cover art and "All We Are" make it work owning.
    2 points
  9. Undercover of the Night - Stones
    2 points
  10. Jon Bon Jovi helps talk woman off pedestrian bridge ledge while shooting music video (Craig Shoup and Melonee Hurt of the Nashville Tennessean) Rock star Jon Bon Jovi and his team talked a woman down from a ledge on the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge in downtown Nashville on Tuesday, the Metro Nashville Police Department said in a social media post. Bon Jovi was filming a music video for his song “The People’s House” on the bridge, which remained open to the public during the shoot. In a video posted by MNPD, a woman wearing a blue shirt is seen over the ledge of the bridge with her arms wrapped around its railing. The video shows Bon Jovi and a production assistant walking along the bridge, which spans the Cumberland River between downtown Nashville and Nissan Stadium, and greeting the woman on the ledge. The musician leans against the rail. The production assistant begins talking to the woman before Bon Jovi joins in. The woman then turns toward Bon Jovi and the production assistant, and they help her over the railing. Once safe, the woman and Bon Jovi face each other, and the Grammy-winning singer hugs her before the group walks away. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/09/11/jon-bon-jovi-helps-talk-woman-off-nashville-bridge/75182353007/
    1 point
  11. ...Re-mixed, Re-mastered and Re-balanced by Tom Allom. https://www.metaltalk.net/judas-priest-reclaim-rocka-rolla-and-sad-wings-of-destiny.php
    1 point
  12. Screaming Trees - Sweet Oblivion Bob Dylan - Bringing It All Back Home Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way
    1 point
  13. . Thanks so much, 73! That sounds familiar, I probably forgot!
    1 point
  14. Worked from home part of the day (then had to run some errands) which gave me yet another chance to dig into my vinyl. Fist out of the box: Uriah Heep - Head First Not bad. Not terrible. Not very good either. Just ok. A bunch of ok songs. Part of my Heep collection - I went through a phase in my mid 20's when I was into them and collected a bunch of their stuff. Next out of the box: Jackson Brown - Lawyers in Love The title track is good. "Tender is the Night" is very good. The rest is filler (IMO). Last out of the box: Scorpions - World Wide Live Never got to see The Scorpions - one of the bands I wanted to see and just never got to see. Pitty. Their big hits ("Bad Boys Running Wild", "Big City Nights", "Still Loving You", "No One Like You", Rock You Like a Hurricane") are excellent. Like them a lot. Their other material is mostly filler for me. Perhaps if I had seen them live I might like their other material a lot more. Good album in a way - I love the sound and energy of the crowds (it was recorded at multiple locations - never a plus for me as I prefer live albums recorded basically at one location but here it works). Really like the songs I like but the rest don't do a ton for me.
    1 point
  15. After clicking your name on the upper right, instead of going to Profile, go to Account Settings. On the left you'll see a list of options, the last being Signature. You would then edit your sig the same way you'd edit a post.
    1 point
  16. Largely how I feel about beloved bands like Metallica...I get their heyday and how revered they are, but in context I don't find their thrash metal anywhere close to the best I've heard.
    1 point
  17. The genre for me really died a death. But the bands and albums I love still exist for me to enjoy, and there have been some genuine gems released over the years. The band Moose Blood for one.
    1 point
  18. I think the issue is they’re really not playing the same style of music, but they got the same name. I love them dearly, but I can see how someone who fell in love with Diary at 16 would feel sick over I Write Sins Not Tragedies becoming a torchbearer song for “Emo.” Now, I’m more partially to Haley Williams “everything is emo” philosophy than not, but even if everything is emo, there must be different kinds, because even the path from The Photo Album to Folie A Duex is anything but a straight line.
    1 point
  19. I actually put like a couple hours between these, lol. I only went to Panic because something made me think of Time To Dance and it got stuck in my head, also I was working late and needed something with pep.
    1 point
  20. Tuesday - Thursday Bowling For Soup - Goes To The Movies Stand Atlantic - Skinny Dipping (Vinyl) Daryl Hall and John Oates - Voices (Vinyl) Daryl Hall and John Oates - Private Eyes (Vinyl) Daryl Hall And John Oates - H2O (Vinyl) Bowling For Soup - The Great Burrito Extortion Case Ben Folds - Songs For Silverman James Arthur - Bitter Sweet Love Sabrina Carpenter - Short n’ Sweet (Vinyl) Bowling For Soup - Sorry For Partyin’
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. We Are the Champions - QUEEN
    1 point
  23. Pyromania - Def Leppard
    1 point
  24. I think Buffalo wins by more than two scores . . .
    1 point
  25. The headline is just one of the comments on BTATSD
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Rip This Joint - The Rolling Stones
    1 point
  28. Night in the Ruts - Aerosmith
    1 point
  29. Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
    1 point
  30. When you first heard Rocka Rolla did you ever imagine they'd become the huge band they've become, and would you have expected them to be still going strong 50 years later?
    1 point
  31. She clearly hasn't heard him singing lately!!
    1 point
  32. Poor old Mick got dumped from Marillion before they got to tour with Rush. His drumming on Script is very pedestrian but I think he must have practiced long and hard before he formed Arena.
    1 point
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