Hi All. Dreams come true, and sometimes, good things happen to good people. I had bought what I thought were great seats for the San Antonio, TX show... it ends up that there was an ADA Handicapped seating outcropping right in front of our seats, and we couldn't see the stage at all... and could barely see the "screen". We asked an usher for help. She spoke w/ her manager and the manager sat in our seats and "confirmed" to guest services that we could not see the stage. They graciously moved us to the floor... right in front of the sound board! My wife, daughter, and myself had the time of our lives. I know (especially in this forum) I'll get some heat for taking my 3 y/o daughter to a RUSH concert...but she is a die-hard fan... and we bought her top-of-the-line noise cancelling headphones....she knows the lyrics, and even does choreographed "dances" to the songs. She's a HUGE Neil fan and wants to be a drummer (yes, we bought her a kit). It ends up that some of the techs and tour managers (who I will leave annonymous out of respect for their privacy) had such a great time watching my family "rock out" to RUSH, that we were given guitar picks and invited as VIP guests to the Houston, TX show! WOW! My little girl (Notice her Hand Made "Geddy Corn" shirt) hand-made a drum for Neil and gave it to Geddy at the "mette n greet" to give to Neil. (in our pictures w/ Alex and Geddy, Geddy is holding up the "drum" gift my daughter made Neil... I'll post it at a later date!). It ends up that word came from the top that the drum was given to Neil, and in return he sent out a pair of his used drumsticks for my daughter! The tour photographer caught this moment on film. Here is the link to that moment! http://www.rushshowp...71036&k=BcSMSwS Dreams can come true, and my family and myself will never forget the kindness and genrosity of RUSH and their magnificent crew! I have been a loyal RUSH fan since 1979, have played in a RUSH cover band, and I am a working musician as a profession (I produce music for many TV shows)...and I can honestly say that it is because of RUSH that I do what I do. Just wanted to share...happy holidays to all!