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  1. Past hour
  2. Russ Abbot's Madhouse (1985) Sketches are fast and catchy.
  3. That they're doing this in prime time tells you just how popular it is. I read yesterday that more people watched the Superbowl this year than watched the most watched NBA game ever.
  4. The 2024 NFL Draft is underway! Unlimited drama and excitement and intrique! (Well…..maybe not….)
  5. Yesterday
  6. Cicadas are emerging — and they’re so loud, some called the sheriff By Anumita Kaur - The Washington Post Merry Turner thought the noise she heard Tuesday from her home in Newberry County, S.C., was from construction — the low, deep rumble of machinery toiling nearby. Meanwhile, Lee Foster, the county sheriff, thought it was from yardwork — maybe a neighbor attacking weeds bright and early. The sound didn’t stop. It grew louder. It climbed to a crescendo Tuesday — an unceasing alarm reverberating through the county. Soon, residents began calling the sheriff’s office and flagging down deputies. They needed to know: What was that noise? It was the rise and mating call of the cicadas, Foster and his deputies told them. The winged insects that spend most of their lives underground are emerging across the country in the spring or summer to molt into their adult forms, which lead to those infamously loud courtship calls. Their brief lives are spent mating — in a manner so noisy that at least a dozen Newberry County residents called the sheriff’s office in alarm this week. The cicadas’ din in the South Carolina county is a snapshot of what a swath of the U.S. will experience over several weeks this spring and summer, as billions of cicadas, from two different broods, are emerging at the same time — the first time this has happened since 1803, The Washington Post reported. The cicadas in South Carolina are of the Brood XIX variety, which emerge every 13 years across the Midwest and Southeast. I called the sheriff Cause I don't know bug biology I called the sheriff Cause I don't know bug biology All around in my home town They're swarming to bring me down They say they want to bring me in guilty For not learning bug biology For my hate of bug biology But I say....
  7. My first decent camera was a Minolta XG-M. I took a lot of pictures with that thing and it served me well.
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