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By-Tor and The Snowdog Question

The Analog Cub

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So I'm listening to one of their greatest cuts from the 70's (probably top 5) and I still haven't been able to figure out what the growl is.


Can someone tell me what the By-Tor growl is? I always thought it was Ged doing something crazy with his bass amp, but I can't say for sure.


Reference: around 2:42 in the song is when it's going on.

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The ATWAS version (the most awesome version IMO) I always thought he was doing something weird with his bass too. Haven't a clue what though.... :haz:
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The ATWAS version (the most awesome version IMO) I always thought he was doing something weird with his bass too. Haven't a clue what though.... :haz:


My only problem with the ATWAS version is they slow down the Hymn of Triumph a bit too much, almost to a complete crawl. This is one of the FEW occasions where I prefer the studio version of a Rush song, and I mean FEW.


If Rio had performed it in full rather than only 80% of it, I would have chosen that version. They lit a fire under By-Tor's ass on the Vapor Trails tour.

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Always thought it was a sound got from those Taurus pedals.

FBN was before the Taurus pedal days. I'm not sure exactly what's going on here but I've read that it is something that Geddy is doing with his bass.
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Always thought it was a sound got from those Taurus pedals.

FBN was before the Taurus pedal days. I'm not sure exactly what's going on here but I've read that it is something that Geddy is doing with his bass.


But how is he playing a solid bass line and making that sound at the same time live?

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Always thought it was a sound got from those Taurus pedals.

FBN was before the Taurus pedal days. I'm not sure exactly what's going on here but I've read that it is something that Geddy is doing with his bass.


But how is he playing a solid bass line and making that sound at the same time live?


Nonono, he's talking about on the album. Live, I'm almost positive it's a pedal.

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The ATWAS version (the most awesome version IMO) I always thought he was doing something weird with his bass too. Haven't a clue what though.... :haz:


My only problem with the ATWAS version is they slow down the Hymn of Triumph a bit too much, almost to a complete crawl. This is one of the FEW occasions where I prefer the studio version of a Rush song, and I mean FEW.


If Rio had performed it in full rather than only 80% of it, I would have chosen that version. They lit a fire under By-Tor's ass on the Vapor Trails tour.


I love that part live because of the way Alex creates those tape delay drenched washes and swirls. And its a perfect lead into one of his best solos that is so damn bluesy, you think you are listening to another band.

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To quote Geddy from the book "Bass Heroes",


"I put my Fender bass through a fuzztone -I can't remember what kind-and then into the board. It was distorted all to shit, so we added phasing, and ultimately put in everything but the kitchen sink. I had all that sound going through a volume pedal, so every time the monster was supposed to growl, I would lean on the volume pedal."

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Always thought it was a sound got from those Taurus pedals.

FBN was before the Taurus pedal days. I'm not sure exactly what's going on here but I've read that it is something that Geddy is doing with his bass.


Yes...I have an interview with Geddy from the PeW era where he says that they got that sound by running his bass through "everything but the kitchen sink."

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To quote Geddy from the book "Bass Heroes",


"I put my Fender bass through a fuzztone -I can't remember what kind-and then into the board. It was distorted all to shit, so we added phasing, and ultimately put in everything but the kitchen sink. I had all that sound going through a volume pedal, so every time the monster was supposed to growl, I would lean on the volume pedal."


That is the interview to which I was referring. Thanks for not making me dig that book out of a box. ;)

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To quote Geddy from the book "Bass Heroes",


"I put my Fender bass through a fuzztone -I can't remember what kind-and then into the board. It was distorted all to shit, so we added phasing, and ultimately put in everything but the kitchen sink. I had all that sound going through a volume pedal, so every time the monster was supposed to growl, I would lean on the volume pedal."


And there we have it! I thought the sound may have come from a fuzz box of some kind. And I;m not surprised that they heaped a bunch of other stuff onto it.



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Always thought it was a sound got from those Taurus pedals.

FBN was before the Taurus pedal days. I'm not sure exactly what's going on here but I've read that it is something that Geddy is doing with his bass.


But how is he playing a solid bass line and making that sound at the same time live?


He's not. Back before the days of samplers, they ran tape from the audio board.

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I got the ESL video before the Fly By Night album, and I remember wondering wtf that growling noise was during By-Tor. My first thought it was Geddy doing it on his bass since there were a couple quick shots of him playing while the growl was especially evident, but soon I realized he was playing a real bassline aside from the growl. Then I figured it was something taped playing through the sound system (which was correct) since it couldn't possibly be Alex or Geddy going it live. Later on, I got Fly By Night and heard the growl there, and I just figured it was some crazy Alex overdub stuff and didn't really think much more of it for many years. But then later on I read it was Geddy playing a highly effected bass after all, so my first impression all those years ago turned out to be on the right track. ;) Edited by Bangster of Goats
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