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Escape From Tomorrow


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Since this is an independent movie and usually no one cares about them, I'm not sure how many of you know that this movie even exists, but it's been buzzing for the past few months in the film world both indie and Hollywood. I think this has definitely been the most ballsy thing someone's done as of recent. Maybe it's not that great of a movie (I haven't seen the full movie yet) but considering the circumstances behind the making of it, I amazed how this production got away with being released.


I'm not gonna talk about the movie itself since I have a trailer for it below, but the hype around this movie was that it was shot at both Disney parks in America without permission from the heads who run the Disney corporation. The production crew used guerrilla filmmaking techniques such as shooting the movie entirely on small DSLR cameras , iPhones to store scripts and to prevent Disney from finding out about the project What's even crazier was that crew edited the movie in South Korea to prevent Disney from finding out about movie before the final cut was finished. It's been shown at several film festivals including Sundance this year. Surprisingly, even after it was shown at Sundance and with a theatrical release in a few days, Disney has yet to take any legal action against this movie, only commenting that they are "aware" of its existence. Although, I've heard that they're going to keep hush about it to prevent unwanted publicity, which I'm not sure if it'll be good or bad for them in the long run.


I dunno, since no one has brought this up yet hopefully, I thought it could be a great discussion.



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I can't believe no one responded to this thread!!!

Hell I thought I wrote a thread about "Escape From Tomorrow!"


The movie is EPIC and is in my top ten horror films of all time!!!


Even the score is amazing! I am so pissed it's not on a CD! Download only!! UGH!


A masterpiece!! It amazes me how they were able to film the movie in Disney World without getting busted by security or Disney personal.



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