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Ready made Rush (or general music) expertise...


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I have wondered about this for all bands in general, and wondered how it makes people feel.


Basically before the internet ( OMFG )... people had to rely on life experience and cultivate knowledge and wisdom about bands and musical styles over a decent period of time which required a good amount of dedication.


Nowadays, (and I see it all over the place on other forums and youtube and whatnot) someone can, within days, amass a comparable (perhaps vapid to a degree) knowledge of a band or music style from screwing around on wikipedia and youtube and various other internet based resources.


What I am wondering, is how it makes people feel if they are on the other side of the internet age.


I have seen so many kids talking like they are certifiable experts with actual true life experience and knowledge on a certain style and / or era of music that it does get to me a bit.

For instance a 15 year old kid (today) analyzing and spouting off on the virtues and drawbacks of 80's music, telling others "how it is". I dont think you cant really know what the hell your talking about unless you lived it. What is available on the internet masquerading as history is a tainted opinion.


How this relates to Rush, is that as a band, before the internet, they were shrouded in a mystery equalled only by legends like Zeppelin. It was WORK to try and research a band like that. To find out why they did what they did. Today, google is our friend. In any debate, one can google stuff and come up with answers like they are their own.


Where am I going with this .... well, I guess I just wondered how others feel about this. Me, while I remain relatively indifferent to debating with people whom I have a bug hunch got their info-pack off of wikipedia (and it took me a whole 5 minutes out of my life to type this, so dont think I am really concerned about it), I cant help thinking, briefly, that I am hearing convictions with the same power as Avril Lavigne singing the words "Lifes like this..."


orly ?


Life's like that huh...




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