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Ringtone/Song Assignment


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I asked for help with ringtones and got some great assistance. I was hoping my phone would be able to have seperate rigntones for each person that called. Unfortunately, I am stuck with only one ringtone. However, it got me thinking about who would get what tone. That is, what Rush tune would you assign to the following:


1) Self

2) Significant other

3) EX-significant other

4) Boss

5) Best friend



My answers:

1) Self- 2112 temples- reminds me to not settle for anything

2) Significant other- Closer to the Heart. Together we can guide the ship

3) EX-significant other- By-tor. No explanation needed.

4) Boss- Working man. No explanation needed.

5) Best friend-YYZ-He's a drummer and he always taps this beat out...




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