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As our favorite rock stars get old, sick and start dying off, we need to remember one thing...


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Even if every rock star in the world dropped dead right now, what they created will not die with them. Their music is here to stay and it will go on forever....Did Mozart's music die when Mozart died in the 19th century? HEEEEEEELLLLL to the NO. Somewhere in some community theatre, a philharmonic orchestra is performing the music of someone who died 200+ years ago, whether its Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Brahms, Handel, Bach....The music still carries on. When you see a guy on youtube reacting to Rush for the first time, that's evidence that the music carries on. When you see a tribute band drawing crowds, that's evidence the music carries on.



Thank you for coming to my TED talk.





(and before you ask, based on past behavior of mine, this thread could be interpreted as kind of an affirmation to myself.)

Edited by fraroc
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